Video artist & printmaker

Light on screen meets ink on paper. Different ways of seeing the world, not one is not better than the other. All of my printmaking started with digital art produced within the virtual world of Second Life, and most of it was from my video art. My printmaking can be seen on another page.

Video artist

I have been making artwork in Second Life since 2009. I have a separate blog on virtual worlds under my Second Life name of Tizzy Canucci. I take still images, but my most significant digital artform is video art.

My work has been selected for a range of film festivals and art exhibitions. This Showcase brings them all together and is a good starting point. All sixty of my videos can be seen on the main Vimeo link. The most notable festival has been the Supernova Digital Animation Festival in Denver, where videos have been selected for six years running.  Repeat Hikari was selected in the Competition section in 2019. The video below is one of two selected for 2021, the other being Tree of Life of Avatar

My video work reflects my fascination in creative interplay in Second Life, and how people use the space as a social and artistic environment. I’m also interested in combining virtual world video with archive material, to set up a contrast aesthetically and historically. So I often draw other material into my work, from the last century of film, animation, poetry, music and literature, not just games. This reflects my background as a sociologist, modelmaker and photographer. Video usually goes under the name of machinima in games worlds, but I think that is too much about commerce now, and not enough about art.

My work, and especially the videos, have been shown in many online spaces, as well as festivals, exhibitions and public spaces. The full list is on the art and academic page.

The interview below, from Women Cinemakers covers my background in photography, writing and modelmaking, and how I moved into video work and making machinima. (Direct link).

I write a blog about virtual worlds on another of my websites: I’m also on Twitter and Flickr under the name of Tizzy Canucci.